《 Foreign Technical Training System 》
The technical intern training system is a status of residence established as a system for international contribution through cooperation with developing countries. The purpose is to transfer the skills learned in Japan to your home country. On the other hand, Specified Skilled Worker is a status of residence that was established to compensate for labor shortages, as it is for the purpose of [working].
However, the technical training program is scheduled to be abolished in 2027. There will be a three-year transition period, and the complete transition to the new system is expected to occur around 2030. The purpose of the ``Development Work System'' is to support foreign workers in improving their skills and building their careers, and to promote long-term employment in Japan. The training and employment system and the specific skills system have the same thing in that they support foreign workers, but there are major differences in the types of jobs they target and the scope of support.
The specific skills system mainly focuses on specific industries with significant labor shortages, whereas the development work system targets a wider range of occupations and aims to help workers develop their long-term careers and improve their skills. I am. Our sending organization provides Japanese language education in Myanmar (N5/N4/N3 passes), Japanese life rules and manners (sorting, tidying, cleaning, cleanliness, discipline), and spinach (reporting, communication, consultation), etc., to thoroughly learn about Japan. Our aim is to develop and send out human resources who will please companies.
We aim to study thoroughly for 6 months from enrollment to passing N4, and we provide free remedial classes for students who are not progressing well until they pass. In addition, those who pass the interview will be assigned to DEPARTURE CLASS and will be required to attend classes and attend school for free during the six months prior to their departure so that they will not lose touch with Japanese culture.
Several times a year, we hold events such as parties, year-end and New Year cleaning, water festivals, Gatin, Japanese cooking classes, and other activities to improve communication skills and ensure the participation of all members.
The situation in Myanmar is such that it is difficult to find a bright future, but I will do my best to support the future of young people without blocking their path.